Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The VISTA in Northern CO blog

So this is it. The maiden voyage, so to speak, of our VISTA blog. This also happens to be my first foray into blogging, so I apologize in advance for any breaches of decorum or behaviour that in my ignorance I've deemed permissible for the blogging realm.

In my estimation, this blog should be applied in any manner that we deem useful. That's not to say I have the foresight or even the experience to predict all of the applications we could find for this blog, but I think it's safe to say that we all have some issues (at work or otherwise) that could be - if not resolved - at least improved with the input/advice of a colleague/friend. So this might be a place where we can vent some of our concerns about our assignments in hope that a fellow VISTA could relate to the experience...or maybe just for the sake of venting. As we discussed during the meeting, I would like for the blog to have a professional as well as a social element. Blog entries should obviously be held to a certain standard of judiciousness when it comes to their content, but this forum is by no means limited to work-related discussion. The gist of this post then: we have a blog; you should post on the blog; you should post whatever is relevant to you.

Wordily yours,

1 comment:

beyoo said...

Hey ya'll...I found the following article that describes a great fund raising idea!

Where's a bingo house in Weld County? :D